Monday, December 31, 2012

3 Easy Vegan Steps To Start The New Year

3 Easy Vegan Steps To Start The New Year
You can start living a vegan lifestyle at any time of year, but there's nothing like a NEW year, a FRESH start, to get many people inspired and ready to implement some changes in their lives. Most of us know that if we try to make huge changes all at once - especially based on a date or something else as arbitrary - they don't stick. So this new year, think of 3 smallish, sustainable steps that you can take to making your life more compassionate, wherever you're at at the moment
Image courtesy of FrameAngel /

Image courtesy of FrameAngel /

You can start living a vegan lifestyle at any time of year, but there’s nothing like a NEW year, a FRESH start, to get many people inspired and ready to implement some changes in their lives. Most of us know that if we try to make huge changes all at once – especially based on a date or something else as arbitrary – they don’t stick. So this new year, think of 3 smallish, sustainable steps that you can take to making your life more compassionate, wherever you’re at at the moment.

Things to consider:

1) Where is your diet at? If you’re still eating that bit of meat or dairy OCCASIONALLY, why not make the commitment this year to cut that out? Look at the instances where you tend to go back on your commitment to veganism and find concrete ways to address them. Is it when you eat out? Then plan to eat out less in 2013, or visit and take a look at the vegan/veg restaurants in your area. Is it when you visit family? Make a firm statement to them that this year you are taking those final steps – you’d be happy to bring something to eat, but you’ve decided to make a full commitment to your vegan lifestyle this year. Is there something you feel you just can’t give up? There are lots of alternatives! Hit the internet or your local health food stores and find one that works for you – or even better, get creative in the kitchen! There are plenty of wonderful vegan chefs out there making recipes for everything from  black bean brownies to vegan omelettes (and I have tried both these recipes – you won’t be feeling the slightest bit deprived!).

2) Where is your support system at? There is a lot to be said for having vegan friends or acquaintances you can call on when you have a question during your transition (or even post transition!) Do you have someone in your life you can turn to? If not, why not focus this year on finding a vegan potluck in your area where you might meet some people who can provide you with some vegan support. Or if you’re feeling really lost, think about a session with a vegan lifestyle coach, or getting involved with one of the online kickstarts that is available.

3) Where is your closet/makeup bag at? When you look into your closet how many non-vegan things do you see? If cosmetics and clothing/shoes are an area you haven’t tackled as a vegan yet, seriously consider paying more attention to this area in the New Year. It doesn’t have to be difficult! First, make a commitment to yourself not to buy anything that has leather or other animal products on/in it, moving forward. Don’t know what they might be? Educate yourself here! Same with beauty products and cosmetics. There are LOTS of alternatives – and ones that work! It’s just a matter of making a commitment to find them, and use them.


Shaping Up Your Body and Brain in 2013

Shaping Up Your Body and Brain in 2013

SEATTLE, Dec. 31, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- At the time of year many people resolve to shape up their bodies, there's added incentive to follow through: Doing so can also boost mental fitness, potentially delaying the onset of dementia. With the number of new cases of Alzheimer's disease in the U.S. projected to increase by 130% in 2030 compared to 2000, it should be an important motivator to make your good intentions a reality, says Dr. Paul Nussbaum . He is the director of brain health for Emeritus Senior Living and clinical neuropsychologist and adjunct professor of neurological surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.  

Research cited in the NIH-supported journal "Health and Social Work" shows that learning and other measures can foster new neurons and new neural connections even into one's senior years.  "Knowing that brain fitness practices have the potential to delay dementia's onset, I encourage everyone to begin the New Year by making brain fitness part of their lives," Nussbaum said. 

Starting an exercise program is a key first step.

"Walking daily, dancing and other forms of aerobic activity help blood flow to the brain," Nussbaum said. 

Adopting a healthy diet is also important. Nussbaum recommends cutting down on processed foods in favor of those that nourish the brain.

"Fruits and vegetables are beneficial for cognitive health," he said. "So are foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as certain fish and nuts, and antioxidants, which are foods containing vitamins A, C or E."

In addition to physical fitness, Nussbaum says three other practices can have a positive impact on your brain:

  • Socialization: Make an effort to connect and spend time with other people, in person rather than virtually. Research shows that isolation and loneliness increase the risk of developing dementia.
  • Mental stimulation: The phrase "Use it or lose it" applies to the brain, which craves stimulation and challenges. Engage in mental activities that aren't initially easy for you, whether it's learning a new language, taking up Scrabble or another pastime you haven't tried before. Doing so will stimulate the cortex and build brain reserve.
  • Spirituality: Research suggests that stress, which has been shown to adversely affect animal brains, is also detrimental for those of humans. It's important to slow down and take the time to engage in spirituality in the way that is most comfortable for you, whether its through daily prayer and regular formal worship or by meditating and reflecting.

"The statistics about Alzheimer's disease are alarming and they demonstrate how crucial it is to adopt a brain fitness program," Nussbaum said. "As 2013 begins, please resolve to incorporate brain health into your daily life. Besides knowing you are engaging in an important practice with lifelong benefits, I think you will find you truly enjoy it."

More information on brain health, including a survey and activities, are available at's-brain-health.

About Emeritus Senior Living

Emeritus Senior Living is the nation's largest assisted living and memory care provider, with the ability to serve nearly 50,000 residents. More than 28,000 employees support more than 470 communities throughout 44 states coast to coast. Emeritus offers the spectrum of senior residential choices, care options and life enrichment programs that fulfill individual needs and promote purposeful living throughout the aging process. Its experts provide insights on senior living, care, wellness, brain health, caregiving and family topics at, which also offers details on the organization's services. Emeritus is based in Seattle, Wash.; Emeritus common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ESC.

CONTACT: Audrey Knoth / Scott McCaskey , (757) 625-2518

SOURCE Emeritus Senior Living



Teething Gel

Teething Gel

* 1 ounce pure vegetable glycerin
* 2 drops essential oil of clove

Add one drop of clove to your glycerin and shake it until it is well blended. Test it on yourself to make sure it is not too strong before adding another drop. For a young baby I use 2 drops.

You could use vegetable oil instead of glycerin if you want. Glycerin is very sweet so it makes the remedy a bit more appealing.

Free PDF Health Ebook...

Gaining Weight 101 For the Skinny Guy

    Simply right click the ebook title above, and choose Save As to save to your desktop!  You can find more FREE Natural Health, Wellness and Pet Ebooks at!

About Dee Braun

Dee is an Adv. Certified Aromatherapist, Reiki Master, Adv. Color/Crystal Therapist, Herbalist, Dr. of Reflexology and single mom who is dedicated to helping others any way she can. One way she chooses to help is by offering information on the benefits and uses of natural health and healing methods for the well-being of both people and pets. Dee also teaches Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Color/Crystal Therapy at the Alternative Healing Academy


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Surviving the High Cost of Recovering from a Catastrophic Illness or Injury

Surviving the High Cost of Recovering from a Catastrophic Illness or Injury

Kansas City, MO, Dec. 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Thirty years ago, the family of a victim of a heart attack or stroke was more likely to have to contend with the loss of a loved one.¹ Now, advances in medicine, prevention, improvement in early detection and other health care innovations have led to higher survival rates of these and other critical illnesses.

With the improved survival rate from catastrophic illnesses often comes the necessity of continuing medical care and related expenses. Today, the average cost of survival for a heart attack or stroke patient is $100,500.² Unfortunately, many of these costs are not covered by standard medical insurance.

“Despite having good insurance, I am many, many thousands of dollars in debt. It is not going to be easy to get out of,” said Steve, a heart attack survivor. “Until you’re older, you think you’re bullet proof. You are 42-years-old. You don’t expect to get a pacemaker. You don’t expect your heart to stop. You don’t expect to be in an emergency room with your wife thinking you are going to die.”

Critical illness insurance and other voluntary insurance can help. These benefits cover out-of-pocket medical and non-medical expenses.

“A serious illness or injury is stressful enough to go through without the additional pressure caused by expensive medical bills,” says Dr. Polly Galbraith, vice president and chief medical director at Assurant Employee Benefits, an employee benefits and services insurance provider. “Higher survival rates should be celebrated, not the cause of added anxiety.”

Learn more about Steve’s story and the benefits of critical illness and other voluntary insurance benefits through a series of videos highlighting the impact of a serious illness or injury and the importance of ensuring that your income is protected on Assurant Employee Benefits’ YouTube Channel at

¹ NCHS Compressed mortality file: underlying cause of death, 1979 to 2006;
² Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics — 2010 Update, American Heart Association

About Assurant Employee Benefits
Assurant Employee Benefits specializes in quality employee benefits and services, including long-term and short-term disability, life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance, dental coverage, and disability reinsurance management services. Assurant Employee Benefits is the brand name for insurance products underwritten by Union Security Insurance Company and for prepaid dental products provided by affiliated prepaid dental companies. In New York, insurance products are underwritten and prepaid products are provided by Union Security Life Insurance Company of New York, which is licensed in New York and has its principal place of business in Syracuse, New York. Plans contain limitations, exclusions, restrictions and reductions.

Assurant Employee Benefits is part of Assurant, a premier provider of specialized insurance products and related services in North America and select worldwide markets. Assurant, a Fortune 500 company and a member of the S&P 500, is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol AIZ.


The ageing effects of Sugar!

The ageing effects of Sugar!
From a health perspective we have been told that fat is the bad guy but now it seems that fat isn’t all bad and the new “baddy” is sugar. Not only does sugar consumption in excess convert to fat and contribute to the development of health issues such as obesity, insulin resistance, high cholesterol and [...]

Friday, December 28, 2012

Natural Homemade Recipes for Glowing Skin

Natural Homemade Recipes for Glowing Skin
Did you know that you can have the best varieties of homemade recipes for glowing skin right at your kitchen table? The remarkable thing about most of the ingredients and food we come to love at home is that they can also be used for keeping the skin healthy and glowing. As a matter of fact, we buy expensive beauty products in stores just to keep us attractive without knowing that the majority of the ingredients used in those products are present and readily available in the kitchen and home. And what's even better news is that they come in natural and still can provide the same kind of benefits for the skin.

The Gun Lobby’s Favorite Part Of The Health Law

The Gun Lobby’s Favorite Part Of The Health Law

Updated at 12:00 noon.

Did you know the Affordable Care Act stands up for gun rights?  The “Protection of Second Amendment Gun Rights” section (page 19 in this PDF) says the health law’s wellness programs can’t require participants to give information about guns in the house. It also keeps the Department of Health and Human Services from collecting data on gun use and stops insurance companies from denying coverage or raising premiums on members because of gun use.

The massacre in Newtown, Conn., renews the controversy about whether gun violence is a public health issue. Should health authorities view guns in the same category as pneumonia and car crashes? The debate has been going on for years, with epidemiologists arguing firearms can kill just as many as a bad flu season and gun-rights advocates viewing any attention from public health officials as a step toward gun confiscation — the beginning of the end of the Second Amendment.

The ACA language, which does not prohibit doctors from inquiring about guns in the household, was included at the request of Nevada Democrat Sen. Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader and a gun rights supporter. Reid’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

The language was inserted after the act cleared the Senate Finance Committee and before it was voted on by the full Senate.

The National Rifle Association did not respond to a request for comment.

Public health scholars criticize the measure because they say it keeps doctors and nurses from doing their jobs.  While the law doesn’t ban doctors from asking about guns, it places limits on what information caregivers can record. Health pros fear physicians will avoid the topic altogether, inhibiting a full conversation about firearms hazards.

“A lot of people buy guns every year, and it’s a health concern,” said Susan Sorenson, professor of social policy at the University of Pennsylvania. “For physicians and other health care professionals not to be able to ask about these issues and record them is counterproductive.” Doctors ask patients about illegal drug use, disease history and sexual habits, Sorenson said. Why not guns? “To regulate what the provider can or can’t do really intrudes into the role of the health care provider,” she added, “which is to ensure the health of the individual and the people who are living in that home.”

But some think firearms in your closet are none of a doctor’s business. Marion Hammer, a former NRA president and lobbyist for the group in Florida, told Kaiser Health News last month that people don’t take their children to the doctor ”for political dialogue or for pediatricians to ask us not to exercise a constitutional right.”

She was referring to a Florida law that limits conversations doctors can have with patients about guns. Last summer U.S. District Court Judge Marcia Cooke permanently enjoined the state from enforcing the statute, saying it restricted free speech.

The Connecticut massacre has also renewed criticism of Congress’s decision years ago to defund research on guns and public health by the Centers for Disease Control.

“We are in an environment when children are dying and we are playing political games,” Dr. David Satcher, who was director of the CDC in the 1990s, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


You CAN Undo the Past with Revision Plastic Surgery from Dr. Shervin Aminpour

You CAN Undo the Past with Revision Plastic Surgery from Dr. Shervin Aminpour

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- They say you can't change the past… or can you? In terms of revision plastic surgery offered by Dr. Shervin Aminpour of Hills Aesthetics, you most certainly can rewrite history. For years, the plastic surgeon Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley turns to has performed revision and reconstructive surgeries through his clinic, based in West Hills, California. Additionally, Dr. Aminpour exercises his expertise and his philanthropic side by rendering much-needed reconstructive surgeries for people in other parts of the world. As it pertains to Southern Californian residents, the expert surgeon consistently reverses the less-than-desirable outcomes of surgeries conducted by incompetent doctors, in addition to working with clients who are receiving a facial surgery for the first time. Revision necklift, facelift, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), or rhinoplasty Los Angeles residents seek are successful performed with Dr. Aminpour's knowledge, experience, and artistic touch. This is reflected in the blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty before and after pictures in his web gallery, as well as the other pictures and testimonials posted on the Hills Aesthetics website.

As previously stated, Dr. Aminpour frequently travels throughout the world, performing lip augmentations, blepharoplasty, and other surgeries to correct congenital deformities. He is accustomed to working with patients of various ethnicities and is experienced in restructuring features that are specific to certain people groups. For instance, one of the surgeon's many specialties is Asian blepharoplasty. Many people of Asian descent choose to have the blepharoplasty, also known as double eyelid surgery, because they wish for a more youthful, open-looking appearance to the eyes. Others look to Dr. Aminpour to reverse the botched jobs performed by other physicians. The surgeon must be familiar with the facets of the Asian eyelid to achieve desired results. Dr. Aminpour is also very experienced in performing Asian rhinoplasty for those wanting to restructure the nose. Part of the surgeon's objective is to restructure the eyelids or nose in light of the other facial features. In this way, he delivers a completely harmonious visage for each patient, whether he or she is Asian, Caucasian, Middle-Eastern, or of another background.

Dr. Aminpour's diverse clientele attests to the surgeon's versatility and prowess in their online testimonials. Patient Patti Guerrero raves over the positive outcomes of her eye tuck and revision neck lift. "Dr. Aminpour performed an upper eye tuck and a neck lift to repair an unraveled previous neck lift. At the same time, he nicely cleaned up a disfiguring surgical scar on my neck." Patti also relates that prior to meeting with Dr. Aminpour, many doctors discouraged the repairs. "Other surgeons said there was little that could be done to improve my existing neck and jaw line, however, Dr. Aminpour proved them wrong." The leading surgeon would not proceed with surgery if he had any doubts. As this is the case, new patients can maintain a peaceful state of mind as they trust their physical form to the leading surgeon.

It would greatly behoove the person seeking a reconstructive or revision cosmetic surgery to contact Hills Aesthetics. Dr. Aminpour aims to inspire and relieve his patients during the entire surgical process. He has transformed the appearance of many patients. It might be the right time for you to acquire the changes that you deserve.

To learn more about Hills Aesthetics, visit, or call 818-646-6969 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

PR submitted by

SOURCE Hills Aesthetics



Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Look At Childhood Cancer And African Americans

A Look At Childhood Cancer And African Americans

By the National Cancer Institute

Editor's Note:  The following article is part of the monthly Lifelines education and awareness print series that the National Cancer Institute provides to African American news and information outlets

BETHESDA, Md., Dec. 27, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Childhood cancer is rare—children with cancer account for less than 1 percent of all new cancer cases in the United States. But did you know that cancer is the second leading cause of death (after accidents) among children ages 1 to 14? It is estimated that in 2012 in the United States, more than 12,000 children (ages 0­ to 14) will be diagnosed with cancer and more than 1,300 will die from it.


But there is good news, too. Over the past 20 years, childhood cancer deaths overall have dropped, and many more children are surviving a cancer diagnosis. For example, only 58 percent of children ages 0 to 14 diagnosed in 1975–1977 lived at least 5 years after diagnosis, whereas it is estimated that more than 80 percent of those diagnosed today will make it to the 5-year mark. This improvement is due to remarkable advances in treatment and to the high participation of children with cancer in clinical trials.

Although African American children are less likely than white children to develop cancer, their 5-year survival rate is poorer, according to the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program.

The most common types of childhood cancer are leukemias (blood cell cancers) and cancers of the brain and central nervous system. The causes of childhood cancers are largely unknown, and researchers are trying to learn about possible risk factors. You can learn more about childhood cancers at NCI's website. Just go to

Despite the improvements in outcomes overall, some types of childhood cancer remain very difficult to treat and have low cure rates. NCI continues to try to find more effective treatments for all childhood cancers through research and clinical trials. If you have a child with cancer, have you thought about enrolling your child in a clinical trial? It is important to take the time to learn about cancer clinical trials and what benefits they may offer, even if you ultimately decide that a trial is not for your child. You can learn more about clinical trials at NCI's website. Just go to

Remember, when it comes to your child's health, knowing the facts and the options about treatment are critical. In the fight against cancer, clinical trials can offer hope and promise, but the only way to know whether a clinical trial is right for your child is to educate yourself and get the facts.

For more information about cancer, please visit the NCI web site at (or from your mobile device) or call NCI's Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237). More articles and videos in the culturally relevant Lifelines series are available at

SOURCE National Cancer Institute



Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What Does A Serving Of New Year's Party Snacks Look Like?

What Does A Serving Of New Year's Party Snacks Look Like?


When the season's all about excess, portion control may be the last thing on our minds. And that's completely fine -- after all, what are New Year's resolutions for? But for those looking to keep things on the healthier side (or at least consider it), it is possible to be merry while watching your waistline. From cheese and crackers to cookies and dips, there's a proper serving size for all of our favorite holiday party foods. Read on for Greatist's portion guide for a healthier holiday season.

Read the whole story: Greatist


Tri-Cities Community Health receives grant from US Department of Health and Human Services

Tri-Cities Community Health receives grant from US Department of Health and Human Services

PASCO, Wash., Dec. 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The Department of Health and Human Services awarded Tri-Cities Community Health (TCCH) a grant for $500,000 to establish two new school based health centers in Pasco, Washington.


On December 19, 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services approved over $80 million in awards to establish 197 school based health centers across the country to serve an estimated 384,000 students.   $1 million was awarded to three applicants in the State of Washington, of which $500,000 was awarded to Tri-Cities Community Health.  The school-based health centers will provide primary medical care.

Providing health care in schools

TCCH is committed to programs such as Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) and other school-based programs, like Apple Health for Kids Program. Tri-Cities Community Health believes in the big picture and looks to service the whole family.

"The intent is not to wait until you are sick to go see the doctor, but to stay on top of all of the preventative measures, your immunizations, your physicals, your preventative dental care," said Esleen Fultz , CFO at TC Community Health Clinic.

Who is Tri-Cities Community Health

Tri-Cities Community Health (TCCH), is a Federally Qualified Health Center with clinic locations in Pasco, Kennewick, and Richland. This designation allows TCCH to receive federal and state funding to partially cover the cost of providing primary medical care, mental health and dental services to persons and families that have limited access to health care due to a lack of medical insurance or are underinsured. No person is turned away due to an inability to pay.

Over 50% of patients served by TCCH are covered by Medicaid. Another 33% have no insurance at all and are provided services on a discounted basis depending on their income level. TCCH also serves Medicare eligible patients and has contracts with most health plans and commercial insurance companies due to the high-quality of services they provide. It is important to note that close to 70% of the patient population in the Pasco clinics are Hispanic. Over the years, TCCH has made an effort to employ providers and employees who are bilingual. Most of the providers and about 45% the employees speak Spanish. TCCH also provides translation services if a provider does not speak Spanish.

TCCH, committed to providing the best in health care for Tri-Cities.

To meet the growing demands for services, TCCH is expanding its services and clinic locations. Historically, TCCH provided most of its services in a large community health center in Pasco. Under the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, TCCH received a $7.4 million federal grant to set up another health center. With this funding, TCCH last year opened a state-of-the art 40,000 square feet community health facility across the street from its main center in Pasco. Another federal grant made it possible for TCCH to open up a clinic three months ago in the City of Richland. This clinic provides medical and behavioral health services. Currently under renovation, with plans underway to relocate the Kennewick clinic to a larger and more attractive facility (formerly the Grace Clinic location) Kennewick will provide primary medical care, dental health, and mental health services. Along with the expansion of new clinics, TCCH has added providers in order to provide excellent patient access. This includes new physicians, nurse practitioners, mental health professionals, dentists, and other health professionals. New patients can be scheduled to see a provider within 3-5 days. Same day appointments are also available for patients who cannot wait due to their medical condition. Patients can also be seen at the Pasco Urgent Care Clinic.

For more information about Tri-Cities Community Health log on to

For press related inquires contact:

Jeff Wright – Public Relations Director

AMI Advertising Agency


SOURCE Tri-Cities Community Health



Top 5 Vegan Mainstream Infographics from 2012

Top 5 Vegan Mainstream Infographics from 2012
We have posted some PRETTY COOL infographics this year, and in case you have missed any of them, we wanted to post our top 5 favorites

We have posted some PRETTY COOL infographics this year, and in case you have missed any of them, we wanted to post our top 5 favorites:




egg replacements_infographic_500


immune infographic_500






Coffee Hair Rinse

Coffee Hair Rinse

(for brunettes and redheads)

* 8 cups warm brewed coffee

After shampooing rinse hair with coffee. Do not rinse it out. Your hair will be rich and shiny.

Free PDF Health Ebook...

Natural Help for Chest Pain

    Simply right click the ebook title above, and choose Save As to save to your desktop!  You can find more FREE Natural Health, Wellness and Pet Ebooks at!

About Dee Braun

Dee is an Adv. Certified Aromatherapist, Reiki Master, Adv. Color/Crystal Therapist, Herbalist, Dr. of Reflexology and single mom who is dedicated to helping others any way she can. One way she chooses to help is by offering information on the benefits and uses of natural health and healing methods for the well-being of both people and pets. Dee also teaches Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Color/Crystal Therapy at the Alternative Healing Academy


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Issues Statement on Death of Actor Jack Klugman:

The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Issues Statement on Death of Actor Jack Klugman:

WASHINGTON, Dec. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Jack Klugman touched the lives of millions of Americans through his support for what ultimately became the Orphan Drug Act.  By portraying on his Quincy, M.E. television show the plight of people with rare diseases with no treatment, Mr. Klugman focused a spotlight on the need for incentives to encourage the development of therapies for small patient populations.  He did this in partnership with patients and patient advocates who had been unable to gain national attention until he lent his support.

In 1993, Mr. Klugman told a Chicago Tribune interviewer that his interest in the Quincy TV show stemmed partly from the fact that it allowed him to do important shows on important topics – not just to entertain.  By airing two episodes on the need for treatments for people with rare diseases, he addressed a very important public health challenge.

Mr. Klugman's death comes just one week before the start of the 30th anniversary year of the Orphan Drug Act of 1983 and the establishment of NORD to represent rare disease patients and patient organizations.  NORD will always remember him as one of the best friends the rare disease community has ever had.


SOURCE National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)



Knowing Everything One Needs To Hold Pertaining To The HCG Diet Plans

Knowing Everything One Needs To Hold Pertaining To The HCG Diet Plans

Do you want to use the HCG diet plan and experience the benefits that can be derived from it? Are you tired of the current diet program you are using as it does not give you any encouraging result at all? If you are, then turning your attention on the HCG diet drops is the best thing that you can do. Most people these days have already benefited from the HCG drops and if you want to be like them, then you really have to start making yourself acquainted with this diet.

There are lots of essential things that you must understand first on HCG diet drops before you pursue of trying it. Fortunately, the task of gathering important information about this particular diet is now easy with the help of the Internet. All you have to do is to look for this subject in the different search engines and the details that you need are presented to you in split seconds. Understanding the amazing HCG diet is plain and effortless especially if you are aware of the things you need to do. Simply put, acquiring the benefits of this diet plan will have to start by familiarizing yourself with it.

As you can see, having the complete details and information on this diet is very crucial before you consider this one to be the answer to your weight problem. It is crucial that you search about the potential HCG diet side effects that you can get from using this weight loss product. You must always remember that it is not right to compromise your health in your desire to achieve your ideal weight. It must be cleared to you that understanding everything about the HCG diet which includes the HCG diet dangers is very essential for you to accomplish.

The following are everything you need to know about the HCG diet before you decide of using it:

* You are required to be mentally and physically prepared in this program because of its stage that will limit your calories consumption for each day at 500 units only. As you can see, this particular stage is the reason of the people who have abandoned and quitted in this diet program. The individuals who have decided to quit cannot be blamed since it is just natural for them to worry about the low amount of calories that they have to take each day while undergoing this diet program.

* You need to be focused and dedicated in this program especially at the foods that will be served to you in the entire course of this diet plan. You should not be surprised to encounter some foods that might taste different from the regular foods you eat. Just like the above stage, this one is also one reason that can force you to lose your focus in this program just like what other people have experienced.

* The good thing with this diet is that it will teach you the kind of lifestyle that would help you to maintain your ideal weight.

What have been discussed in this post are the things that you must know about the HCG diet. The information above will also help you to decide and determine if this diet will satisfy or disappoint you.

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Clarins Beauty Flash Balm

Clarins Beauty Flash Balm
For all the makeup looks you plan on doing this holiday season… just remember one thing: the Clarins Beauty Flash Balm ($45 USD / $50 CAD) makes you look even better. This magical primer gives you…
Clarins Beauty Flash Balm

For all the makeup looks you plan on doing this holiday season… just remember one thing: the Clarins Beauty Flash Balm ($45 USD / $50 CAD) makes you look even better.

This magical primer gives you an instant glow and face lift; an incredible pick-me-up for your Christmas party (or more importantly… the morning after).

Clarins Beauty Flash Balm

Clarins Beauty Flash Balm… One of my must-have beauty products this holiday season!

Copyright © Beautezine, 2012. | Original Post | No comment | Twitter | Facebook
Categories: Daily Beauty
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Treatments For Extreme Sweating – 3 Degrees Of Severity To Watch For

Treatments For Extreme Sweating – 3 Degrees Of Severity To Watch For

If you struggle with sweating excessively, you can expect to find a number of levels of severity to the problem. Some people who have this condition tend to sweat when they’re stressed out, others will sweat all the time. If you want to find the best treatment for excessive sweating, you must understand to what degree of severity you have this condition.

The first way to find out the level of severity is to watch the symptoms. The symptoms will show you how serious your case is, and also how you need to approach the solution. If you know what to watch for, then you can rest assured you’re on your way to a cure. If you discover the sweating is a problem, then focus and perhaps write down what you’re experiencing.

You’ll need to remember how often you sweat excessively or abnormally. One example could be if you sweat while under high pressure, or if you’re really under stress, then you may find that a strong antiperspirant is all it takes. If you find that you sweat often all day and even into the night, then you might need to think about surgery.

On top of sweating this way, do you notice any other symptoms that go along with the sweating? For example, have you also felt light-headed, or maybe you have had dizzy spells as well. Maybe you have passed out, became nauseous or queasy? These are symptoms which could demand very specific remedies to put a stop to your excessive sweating.

Since that is the truth of the matter, you should know there are basically three degreees or levels of excessive sweating cures. First there is the over-the-counter remedy, simply the antiperspirants – or even a prescription antiperspirant. These options are best for people who have a relatively mild condition and who only sweat in any noticeably excessive way once in a while.

A step up from that would involvee the remedies Botox or even Iontophoresis. The FDA has only recently approved Botox, relatively speaking, and as you may know this involves injecting a little bit of toxin into the armpits. This will be an effective way to treat the sweating problem for months on end. Iontophoresis involves placing the affected area under tap water, and then using a very mild shock of electricity.

Finally, the most serious level of these cures for excessive sweating is, of course, surgery. Surgery should only be reserved as a last straw, whatever the problem is – but when it gets to this point, surgery is often the only cure that works. In the case of sweating disorders, this surgery is known as a “cervical sympathectomy,” and is reserved for the worst cases of sweating that don’t respond to other methods.

There is an amazing How To Stop Sweating Method that will put an end to Excessive Sweating at Stop Excessive Sweating so that you can live life without embarrassment. If you need to stop sweating then there is no faster way than this way. Read more about it at Stop Sweating Now.


How To File A Medicare Appeal

How To File A Medicare Appeal

Here are some basic steps for challenging Medicare coverage denials under Part A (including hospitalization, nursing homes and hospice services) and Part B (doctor visits, tests, home health care, durable medical equipment). In most cases, it is not necessary to hire a lawyer. Advocates say to be sure to write your Medicare or member number on all documents, and to keep copies.

For the first appeal, called redetermination:

--Circle the questionable item on your quarterly Medicare statement, called the Medicare Summary Notice, and follow the mailing instructions on the form. You can also complete an appeals form at

--Make the request within 120 days of receiving the denial.

--Any dollar amount can be appealed.

If you get denied again, you can make a request for second appeal, called reconsideration:

--Make the request within 180 days of receiving notice that the first appeal was denied.

--In a letter, explain the services or items that you received and why payment for them is in dispute. Include a copy of the initial denial or fill out the reconsideration form available at

To request a hearing before an administrative law judge, which usually is conducted via conference call with patients, doctors and others:

--Make the request within 60 days of receiving the denial of the second appeal.

--To be eligible for a hearing, the amount in dispute must be at least $130 in 2012 and $140 in 2103. In your letter, provide your name, address, Medicare number, document control number from previous denial, dates of services or items in dispute and why you are appealing. Include any other information to support your request, or complete a hearing request form available at

If you get denied again, you can make a request for consideration by the Medicare Appeals Council:

--Make this request within 60 days of receiving the hearing decision.

--In a letter, cite which parts of the decision you dispute and the date of the decision, or complete the hearing review request form available at

Beneficiaries who are still not satisfied can file an appeal in federal court. The amount in dispute must be at least $1,350.

Expedited Review

Patients may file an expedited appeal if they are being discharged from a nursing home, hospice, outpatient rehabilitation facility or told that home health care is being terminated (not reduced). Providers must give patients notice two days before discharge or termination. Information on this appeal is available at Coverage for services will continue until a decision is made.

Patients who feel they are being discharged from the hospital too soon may get information about an expedited review of the decision at Coverage for services will continue until a decision is made. (There is a separate procedure for Medicare Advantage plans.)

Medicare Advantage

Beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage plans follow similar appeals procedures, except the initial appeal must be made within 60 days of the denial. Information can be found at If a service or treatment has been denied, an expedited appeal can be requested from the plan if waiting for a regular appeal decision could jeopardize the member’s health. Expedited appeals are not permitted solely for payment denials. For more details about expedited Medicare Advantage appeals, see section 50 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual at .

Prescription Drug Plans

Decisions made by Medicare prescription drug plans can also be appealed. Beneficiaries should request a written explanation from the plan why a prescription is not covered and ask for an exception if you or the prescriber believe you need the drug. Beneficiaries pay for the drug until the denial is overturned (during that time, drug discount cards or manufacturer or pharmacy discounts may reduce the cost). An expedited appeal is also an option for those who can't wait. More information is available at

For More Help

For free, individual assistance and more information, contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program at or find it by calling your county office on aging.

Additional details are at and 800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227).

The Center for Medicare Advocacy's free self-help appeals packets include tips for avoiding appeals; they are available at

The Medicare Rights Center, a consumer advocacy group, provides appeals advice and other Medicare information at 800-333-4114.

Sources: Center for Medicare Advocacy, U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

This article was produced by Kaiser Health News with support from The SCAN Foundation.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Nature’s Gate Herbal Hand Cream: In the Beauty Brains Bathroom

Nature’s Gate Herbal Hand Cream: In the Beauty Brains Bathroom
We’re always skeptical about so called “natural” products because they typically use standard “synthetic” ingredients and sprinkle in a few natural extracts. Nature’s Gate Herbal Hand cream is different however- this one really walks the talk. Using emulsifiers like Cetearyl Wheat Straw Glycosides and Sorbitan Stearate (made from plant starches) and even Glyceryl Undecylenate which [...]

Post image for Nature’s Gate Herbal Hand Cream: In the Beauty Brains Bathroom

We’re always skeptical about so called “natural” products because they typically use standard “synthetic” ingredients and sprinkle in a few natural extracts. Nature’s Gate Herbal Hand cream is different however- this one really walks the talk. Using emulsifiers like Cetearyl Wheat Straw Glycosides and Sorbitan Stearate (made from plant starches) and even Glyceryl Undecylenate which is made from castor oil. If you’re concerned about avoiding petrochemicals then this product is for you.

There are two potential downsides: First is the scent. The natural fragrance components can’t match synthetic fragrances for covering base odor. So, this lotion smells oily. It’s no Bath and Body works, that’s for sure. Second, since the product doesn’t use petrochemicals it doesn’t contain any petrolatum which is one of the absolute best skin moisturizers. Therefore you maybe be trading some moisturzing efficay to get more “naturalness.”

Nature’s Gate Herbal Hand Cream Ingredients

Water, Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil*, Glycerin, Fragrance**, Stearyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Wheat Straw Glycosides, Cetearyl Alcohol, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter*, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil*, Dimethicone, Sorbitan Stearate, Prunus Serotina (Wild Cherry) Bark Extract, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil*, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Tilia Cordata Flower Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Allantoin, Xanthan Gum, Stearic Acid, Glyceryl Undecylenate, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Hydroxide.

Disclaimer: We’re big time bloggers so we got a sample of this product for FREE. You’re not so lucky so before you spend your hard cash on anything we tell you about, please do your own research.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Halozyme Therapeutics And Pfizer Enter Into A Collaboration To Develop And Commercialize Subcutaneous Biologics Using Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase

Halozyme Therapeutics And Pfizer Enter Into A Collaboration To Develop And Commercialize Subcutaneous Biologics Using Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase

SAN DIEGO, Dec. 21, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: HALO) announced today that it has entered into a worldwide Collaboration and License Agreement with Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) for the purpose of developing and commercializing products combining proprietary Pfizer biologics with Halozyme's Enhanze technology. Enhanze is Halozyme's proprietary drug delivery platform and is based on the Company's patented recombinant human hyaluronidase enzyme (rHuPH20).


Under the terms of the agreement, Halozyme has granted to Pfizer a worldwide license to develop and commercialize products combining rHuPH20 with Pfizer proprietary biologics directed to up to six targets. Targets may be selected on an exclusive or non-exclusive basis.  Halozyme will receive an initial payment of $8 million, which includes the upfront fee for exclusive licenses to two specified therapeutic targets in primary care and specialty care indications and the right for Pfizer to elect up to four additional targets upon payment of additional fees.

"I am delighted about this opportunity as it has the potential to enhance Pfizer's ability to optimize treatments for patients," said Jose Carlos Gutierrez-Ramos , Senior Vice President, Pfizer BioTherapeutics R&D.

Halozyme is eligible to receive additional payments upon Pfizer's achievement of specified development, regulatory and sales-based milestones, totaling up to $507 million. Halozyme is also entitled to royalty payments based on net sales of any licensed products.

"We look forward to working with Pfizer to apply Enhanze to these exciting targets," said Gregory I. Frost , Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer, Halozyme. "Enhanze enables biologics to be delivered as a simple subcutaneous injection."

Enhanze is Halozyme's proprietary drug delivery platform based on the Company's patented recombinant human hyaluronidase enzyme (rHuPH20). rHuPH20 acts by removing traditional limitations on the volume of biologics that can be delivered subcutaneously (just under the skin). By using Enhanze, some biologics that are administered intravenously may instead be delivered subcutaneously. Enhanze may also benefit subcutaneous biologics by reducing the need for multiple injections. This delivery may improve patient convenience and reduce overall costs to the healthcare system.

About Halozyme
Halozyme Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing and commercializing innovative products that advance patient care. With a diversified portfolio of enzymes that target the extracellular matrix, the Company's research focuses primarily on a family of human enzymes, known as hyaluronidases, that increase the absorption and dispersion of biologics. Halozyme's pipeline addresses therapeutic areas, such as diabetes, oncology and dermatology that have significant unmet medical need. The Company markets HYLENEX® recombinant (hyaluronidase human injection) and has partnerships with Roche, Baxter, ViroPharma and Intrexon. Halozyme is headquartered in San Diego, CA. For more information on how we are innovating, please visit our corporate website at

Safe Harbor Statement
In addition to historical information, the statements set forth above include forward-looking statements (including, without limitation, statements concerning the development and commercialization of products, the potential benefits and attributes of such products, the possible receipt by Halozyme of future payments including milestone and royalties) that involve risk and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements are also identified through use of the words "believe," "enable," "may," "will," "could," "intends," "estimate," "anticipate," "plan," "predict," "probable," "potential," "possible," "should," "continue," and other words of similar meaning. Actual results could differ materially from the expectations contained in forward-looking statements as a result of several factors, including unexpected results or delays in development and regulatory review, regulatory approval requirements, unexpected adverse event and competitive conditions. These and other factors that may result in differences are discussed in greater detail in the Company's reports on Forms 10-K, 10-Q, and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Investor Contact:
Kurt Gustafson
Halozyme Therapeutics

Media Contact:
Nurha Hindi
Hill + Knowlton Strategies

SOURCE Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.



Thursday, December 20, 2012

Creamy, Maple, Sweet Potato Recipe

Creamy, Maple, Sweet Potato Recipe

sweet potato dish, sweet potato recipe, mashed sweet potatoes

A sweet potato recipe without the marshmellows and white sugar.


  • 3 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 1 tablespoon muscavado sugar (optional)
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 3/4 cup muscavado sugar (optional)
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 5 eggs
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt or redmounds rock salt


  1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil over medium-high heat.
  2. Add sweet potatoes, cover and cook until soft. Drain and set aside.
  3. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  4. Lightly grease a 2 quart dish. Sprinkle dish with 1 tablespoon muscavado sugar, shaking dish to evenly coat bottom and sides.
  5. Place the sweet potatoes into food processor and add the butter, 3/4 cup muscavado sugar, heavy cream, eggs, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, maple syrup, and salt.
  6. Process until mixture is smooth. Pour into prepared dish.
  7. Bake the sweet potato mixture in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Lower oven temperature to 350 degrees F. Bake the sweet potato mixture until edges are slightly browned, about 40 minutes more.

Serve warm or at room temperature. To save on prep time on a busy holiday, you can prepare this dish in advance and just put it into the oven to bake. If you like your sweet potatoes a little less sweet, reduce or omit the muscavado sugar.

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£3 Million Settlement for Elderly Woman Left with Devastating Injuries after Collision

£3 Million Settlement for Elderly Woman Left with Devastating Injuries after Collision

LONDON, December 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

An elderly woman left with a serious brain injury and physically impaired when she was hit by a car whilst crossing the road, has settled her head injury claim for more than £3,000,000.

Nick Godwin , a partner with the catastrophic injuries department of Fentons Personal Injury Solicitors, said the settlement comprised a lump sum payment of more than £1,000,000, together with periodical payments to fund her ongoing care needs for the rest of her life.

 "This was a truly horrific incident, in which my client and members of her family were struck by a car whilst they were using a zebra crossing near their home," said Nick. "Although they were all struck by the defendant just after they stepped on to the crossing, my client bore the brunt of the impact. She tragically sustained a catastrophic brain injury with complete right-sided hemiparesis - a weakness on one side of the body - together with various other brain injury symptoms, including epilepsy."

Nick said as soon as he was instructed to represent the victim he secured an early interim payment of £10,000. "After initially spending about four months in hospital, the claimant, who was in her late 60s, was discharged to her home which was now completely unsuitable for her vastly changed needs, with only minimal local authority care," he said. "We obtained another interim payment, this time £100,000, which we used to instruct a case manager and source and secure a more suitable property - adapted specifically for a catastrophically injured person - just a few miles away from the family home.

"A further interim payment of £100,000 just a year or so later enabled the claimant to purchase an up-to-date wheelchair and rent a suitable vehicle," he said. "This latest interim payment also allowed my client's case manager to begin putting together a package of paid-for professional care that she needed and will continue to need for the rest of her life."

Nick said that throughout this time, he and his colleague who assisted on the case, solicitor Anne Lankester , had continued to obtain expert evidence from various experts in neurology, neuro-rehabilitation, speech therapy and physiotherapy, amongst others, which, when combined with the admission of liability from the defendant's insurers, gave his client a compelling case.

"Although the driver pleaded guilty to driving offences and the criminal case concluded, my client's civil claim was still scheduled to go to trial," said Nick. "But thankfully her family were spared that ordeal when the defendant's insurers agreed to settle the claim in full just a few weeks prior to trial."

The settlement was agreed in the form of a lump sum of £1.2 million, less than the interim payments of £210,000 already received. "We also secured a large annual payment order in the amount of £168,000 to pay for her ongoing care and case management," said Nick, "as well as a further £9,000 per year to meet the costs of a professional deputy, to manage her finances and affairs as due to her brain injury she is no longer able to do so herself."

Based on her life expectancy, the total value of the settlement is therefore £3,147,000. "Whilst the size of the settlement is not, in itself, groundbreaking, it is a significant sum given her age and, more importantly, it will ensure that my client's future quality of life is maintained and that she obtains the care and assistance she needs for the rest of her life," said Nick, who also successfully settled claims on behalf of the other family members for the injuries they sustained in the incident.

"Whilst no amount of compensation can make up for what she - and her family - have been through in recent years," said Nick, "it does ensure that she can receive the best quality of care in the future, and can concentrate on learning to live with her disability without fears over her financial security."

How can Fentons Solicitors help?

Fentons has a specialist department experienced in handling claims for victims of serious head and brain injuries.

If you think that you have a case or require further information contact Fentons on +44(0)800-0191-297 or fill in the online claims questionnaire.

SOURCE Fentons Solicitors LLP


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Make Your Skin Ready for Winter

Switch to mild cleaning agents. Choose hydrating bath gels, body washes and face cleansers that thoroughly clean and soothe your skin, while retaining natural moisture. Ensure it is a point to apply the moisturiser immediately after bathing or washing your skin, so that the pores absorb moisture and maintain it in longer. "Preferably use oil-based moisturisers instead of water-based ones, as oil creates a protecting layer on your skin that retains more moisture," says beauty expert. Read more

Back Acne

Back Acne

Back acne affects about 60% of all people who suffer from facial acne. While back acne affects most of the population during their teenage years and perhaps into their early twenties, some people suffer from back acne well into their forties.

Back acne can also appear on the torso, arms, chest, shoulders and buttocks. It affects men more often than women and is often more difficult to treat than facial acne because the skin is tougher and thicker and there are more sweat glands in these areas, producing thousands of sebaceous (oil) glands that can clog the pores.

Back acne can appear in the form of non-inflammatory acne (blackheads and whiteheads), or inflammatory acne (papules, pustules, nodules and cysts). Inflammatory acne forms deep under the skin surface and can be painful. Read more about these types of acne and how they occur.

If you suffer from facial acne, but do not have body or back acne, preventing back acne is the best defense. If you have had back acne and are now clear of the blemishes and lesions, you know how hard it is to treat – prevention is the best defense.

Preventing back acne requires a methodical approach and a daily routine designed to keep the skin clear and healthy.

  • Shower immediately following physical activity that causes the skin to sweat. Perspiration gets trapped on the skin, mixing with oils, and clogs the pores. Showering prevents this cycle. Avoid using hot, steaming water – this may feel good, but if you already have inflamed acne, this will only serve to irritate the lesions more. Use tepid water and a mild soap instead.
  • Gently does it. Wash the skin with a soft wash cloth or synthetic puffy – avoid harsh loofas and back brushes.
  • Pat the skin dry with a clean towel – avoid a hard rub down with the towel while drying off. Again, this may feel good, but it will only irritate the skin and perhaps spread the acne.
  • Exfoliate weekly. This removes the build-up of dead skin cells, avoiding clogged, blocked pores. Do not scrub the skin, this can over stimulate clear skin and irritate or damage inflamed skin.
  • Avoid irritants. Wash clothes in a mild detergent. Select soaps and detergents for sensitive skin. While you may not have sensitive skin, using products for sensitive skin will prevent further irritation.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing that rubs the skin. Avoid irritating fabrics such as wool, leather or synthetic fabrics that do not ‘breathe’. Breathable fabrics will also help prevent the accumulation of sweat on the skin – one of the biggest causes of back acne.
  • Change the sheets. Your bed sheets could be a contributor to your back acne problems. Make sure they are changed and/or washed at least 2-3 times a week if you already have back acne.
  • If you use a backpack, try adjusting the straps so the backpack sits lower on the back, avoiding pressure and rubbing against the acne.
  • If you have blemishes and/or lesions, do not squeeze or pick them. This can not only damage the skin and increase the likelihood or scarring, it can lead to further infection and spreading of the bacteria.
  • Pay attention to your diet – while there is no direct evidence linking oily food, sugar, white flour, sodas etc., to back acne, a healthy diet and drinking lots does not hurt.

Related Articles:

Treating Back Acne

Types of Acne


Michelle May, M.D.: The Abundance Paradox

Michelle May, M.D.: The Abundance Paradox

Ho hum... another news report about the abundance of food in America causing an obesity epidemic. One of the explanations given is that during centuries of scarcity, we evolved to store fuel more efficiently to survive; therefore, our modern food-abundant environment causes us to gain weight more easily.

But wait... When food is so abundant, shouldn't it be just the opposite?

The abundance paradox is that the more food we have access to, the less reason there should be to overeat it.

What these news stories often overlook is that it isn't just our biology that causes weight gain, it is our psychology. We have internalized outdated scarcity beliefs from parents, advertising, and dieting that drive us to over-consume even though food is plentiful. The holidays are just an exaggeration of this phenomenon. For example,

  • Everybody gains weight during the holidays.
  • Enjoy it today for tomorrow I'll diet.
  • It's a special occasion.
  • I never get to eat cookies!
  • I paid for it.
  • It's free.
  • Be a good boy and eat all your dinner.
  • Don't waste food.
  • Clean your plate or you don't get dessert.
  • There are starving children in _______________.
  • I better get my share now before someone else takes the last piece.
  • I deserve this.
  • It's a better value.
  • I might not get another chance to eat until later.

To illustrate the point, consider this common holiday eating tip: "Use a smaller plate when you go through the buffet." Of course this strategy works; you learned to clean your plate, so the smaller it is, the less you'll eat. The problem is that unless you change your underlying belief, when you're served on a large plate, you'll still feel compelled to clean it!

The key to thriving in this land of abundance is to recognize the paradox and relearn to use your natural cues of hunger and satiety to guide you. I like to introduce people to mindful eating by teaching them to ask the question "Am I hungry?" before starting (or continuing) to eat. This creates space between the impulse and the action so they can ask the critical question, "Why?" By first examining the beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that drive their behaviors, they can then work on replacing them with more effective beliefs:

  • There's plenty of food so there's no need to eat it all now.
  • If I keep eating, I'll feel uncomfortable and I prefer to feel great.
  • Save room for dessert.
  • When I'm hungry again, I'll eat again.
  • Food is abundant and will be there when I need it.

For more by Michelle May, M.D., click here.

For more on diet and nutrition, click here.

Follow Michelle May, M.D. on Twitter:



ChiroFutures Risk Purchasing Group Expands Billing Error Defense Coverage for its Chiropractic Professional Liability Insurance Program

ChiroFutures Risk Purchasing Group Expands Billing Error Defense Coverage for its Chiropractic Professional Liability Insurance Program

NEW YORK, Dec. 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- ChiroFutures Risk Purchasing Group is pleased to announce the inclusion of Health Plan Billing Error Defense Coverage to its Chiropractor's Malpractice Insurance Program.

ChiroFutures Co-Founder Dr. Matthew McCoy said, "We are pleased to provide our clients with this enhanced coverage at no additional charge.   We know the special risks chiropractors face in their professional endeavors and we are able to offer insightful risk management advice and tools, as well as insurance products that meet a chiropractor's specific needs."

The ChiroFutures program is designed to offer broad protection and defense coverage that includes new emerging areas of liability for practitioners such as Regulatory Board Defense, Medicare/Medicaid Billing Error Defense, Information Privacy Wrongful Acts, and Peer Review Committee Defense.

For further information about the Chiropractic Professional Liability program, please contact Teresa Quale , Sonoran National Insurance Group, at or (480) 538-7173.

The Chiropractor's Malpractice Insurance Program is underwritten by Admiral Professional Programs on behalf of Great Divide Insurance Company and administered by Sonoran National Insurance Group. Coverage in Arizona is underwritten on behalf of Nautilus Insurance Company. Admiral Insurance Company, Great Divide Insurance Company and Nautilus Insurance Company are member companies of W. R. Berkley Corporation.

SOURCE Admiral Insurance Company


Salon versus Drug Store Products: the Tress Test Results

Salon versus Drug Store Products: the Tress Test Results
Our loyal readers (both of you) might remember this blog post from a few months ago about comparing salon versus drug store products. Here’s the quick recap: Heide (a stylist) said drug store hair products leave her client’s hair “silicone impacted.” She says the silicone buildup from drug store products can easily be seen by rubbing [...]

Post image for Salon versus Drug Store Products: the Tress Test Results

Our loyal readers (both of you) might remember this blog post from a few months ago about comparing salon versus drug store products. Here’s the quick recap:

  • Heide (a stylist) said drug store hair products leave her client’s hair “silicone impacted.”
  • She says the silicone buildup from drug store products can easily be seen by rubbing her finger nail over the hair.
  • We offered to send her tresses to see if she could really tell the difference.

Here’s what’s happened since then….

Test design

Heide (who is an AWESOME sport, by the way) agreed to the test so here’s what we did:

  • Treated bleached hair tresses (the same kind of real hair used in testing labs) with two brands of Heide’s choosing: one from the drug store and the other from the salon.
  • The drug store products were Pantene Color Preserve Shine shampoo and conditioner, the salon products were Redken Color Extend shampoo and conditioner.
  • 10 tresses of each were shampooed and conditioned 2o times to simulate about a month’s worth of treatment.
  • We put secret codes on the tresses so Heide wouldn’t know which was which (we even spritzed a little perfume on the hair to mask the scent.)
  • Then, we sent the tresses to Heide so she could perform her “fingernail scrape test.” Would you like to hear the results?

Test results

First, a word about hair tress testing. In a test set of this size, there’s always the chance that Heide (or anyone else doing such a test) could just guess the right answer. For each individual tress there are two possible answers (either Pantene or Redken) and statistics would say that just purely by chance, a person should be able to correctly identify 50% of the tresses just by guessing. According to my favorite binomial probability calculator, in order to prove that there is more silicone buildup on the Pantene tresses, Heide would have to correctly identify the right product on 15 out of 20 tresses. Anything less than 15 out of 20 means there is no statistical difference between the salon and drug store products (at least using her test method.)

Heide correctly identified 8 out of 20 tresses (40%.) In other words, she couldn’t really detect a difference in silicone buildup between these salon and drug store products.  (To be totally fair to Heide, she thought that the tresses felt different than the hair that she is used to. She said that “There is a difference between these kinds of strands and everyday user hair. None of these hairs feel like Redken or Pantene users.”)

The Beauty Brains bottom line

This was a quick and dirty test but I’m confident that if we repeated it with more tresses the result would be the same.  While we’re pleased that results came out as we predicted (there is no real difference in silicone buildup between drug store and salon products) the important thing is that instead of relying on anecdotal evidence with Heide’s help we were able to actually test a hypothesis. That’s how the scientific method works!

Thanks SO MUCH to Heide for agreeing to go along with our experiment. It took a lot of guts to put her beliefs on the line like this and we really appreciate her open mindedness as well as the time and effort she put into this project.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

5 Holiday Stress Triggers (And How To Cope)

5 Holiday Stress Triggers (And How To Cope)

Don't miss our hour-long Twitter chat with Columbia University's Dr. Frank Schneier on dealing with holiday stress today at 12:30 p.m. ET! Follow us at @HealthyLiving and tune in to the chat with #livehealthychat.

The holidays are for spending quality time with people you love -- gathering together to share meals, open gifts, attend services and partake in festive, wintertime activities.

But, for many of us, they can often become a source of stress -- dealing with travel headaches, coping with grief or loss, being constantly bombarded with temptations (food and shopping, among others) and dealing with interpersonal conflicts.

Instead of letting it all stew inside, there are healthier ways to handle holiday stress.

We talked to two experts -- Dr. Franklin Schneier, M.D., a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, and Steven Meyers, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Roosevelt University -- about how to identify the first triggers of stress, and then what to do about it. Read on for their helpful advice:

  • 1. Travel Stress

    <strong>The Situation:</strong> Your flight has been majorly delayed or even canceled, and you're not able to make it to your holiday destination. You're spending hours on the phone with the airline, trying to rebook your flight. <strong>The Solution:</strong> The reason travel is so stressful in the first place is because many of the factors surrounding it = are out of our control, Meyers says. You "surrender control to weather, airlines, hotel, to a much greater extent during the holidays than other times during the year." The main stressor with holiday travel is the amount of disruption to routine and the amount of novelty thats involved. Therefore, the key to reducing stress is by <em>anticipating</em> it to the greatest extent possible. "For example, with the stress associated with travel, it's oftentimes in people's best interests to add an extra margin of time so they wont be arriving in their intended destination with no time to spare," Meyers says. Schneier adds that coming up with a game plan -- what you can <em>do</em> if travel headaches strike -- can help you to keep your cool. He advises that people identify what exactly they're feeling -- whether it's guilt (for not anticipating the travel problem) or fear (or looking like a screw-up) -- and then think about what they can do to remedy the problem at hand. Then, self-care. Think about "what else can I do to take care of myself? Perhaps a breathing exercise, or picking up a novel to read will help my tension," Schneier says.

  • 2. Avoiding Conflict At The Family Dinner

    <strong>The Situation:</strong> There's a family member you really can’t stand who will be at the annual holiday dinner. You don't want to dampen the mood for everyone else -- what’s the best way to handle this person? <strong>The Solution:</strong> The first step is accepting that this "problem person" is going to act in a way that will bother you, Schneier says. Then, acknowledge that the only thing you have control over is <em>how</em> you interact and deal with this person. "Ask yourself what thoughts will be likely to be disturbing me," such as "He's so selfish!" or "She's thinks she's better than me," he says. Then, think about what <em>you</em> can focus on to help you decrease those negative feelings. For example, you could tell yourself: "Just because he has a problem, I don't have to let it get to me," or "I can choose not to react to her provocation. I'm going to focus on enjoying being with the people I want to see." Meyers adds that you can also take steps to minimize the contact you have with this person. "Often at family gatherings, there's enough people where you can socialize and focus on someone else at a greater extent," he says. Or, if you <em>must</em> engage,"dilute the person," he says. "Avoid one-on-one time ... Often it's easier to have productive conversation when there are other people around who can serve as buffers, like a group conversation."

  • 3. Finances Are Tight

    <strong>The Situation:</strong> Money is tight this year, and you can't afford gifts/as many gifts as you gave last year. You're afraid of disappointing the kids. <strong>The Solution:</strong> First, identify what exactly about this situation is the most stressful, Schneier says. To get to the root of the problem, ask yourselves questions like, "Are the kids likely to be disappointed in the gifts?" If the answer to this is "yes," then perhaps they're old enough to be told the truth that this year is a harder time than usual. Meyers agrees, saying that when presented in an age-appropriate way, kids can often understand the reality of being "tight on money." Another option is giving kids something beyond the material, such as a new "freedom" or a privilege. "You could present this to children [in a way] that doesn't minimize its impact," he says. "Rather than presenting it as a consolation prize, [parents] could build it up and ensure they're choosing things that children really want to have during the year."

  • 4. You're Running Out Of Time

    <strong>The Situation:</strong> You don't have time to finish everything on your holiday to-do list. <strong>The Solution:</strong> Begin by starting with realistic expectations. "Oftentimes people's hopes and aspirations are elevated dring the holidays and the new year," Meyers says. For example, maybe you're expecting to be productive at work, but "many of your colleagues are taking vacation time, diminishing <em>your</em> productivity." So the best thing you can do, he says, is to be purposely kind to yourself. "Build in a margin in advance to decrease your highest hopes, then remember to reassure yourself that often the consequences for not completing an entire list aren't as grave or as dire as you think at first," Meyers says. Schneier also recommends reframing the situation: "Are there other ways to think about this? After all, I made the list as a goal for myself, it wasn't handed to me as a requirement and it isn't written in stone," he says. "Is it possible that I set too-ambitious goals? Can I give myself credit for all that I have accomplished?" And, above all, remember that you don't have full control over others' happiness, Schneier says. Just think: "I'll do the best I can."

  • 5. You're Feeling Guilty Because You Can't Be There

    <strong>The Situation:</strong> You have to work on the holidays and can't spend it with family, which makes you feel guilty. <strong>The Solution:</strong> Consider thinking about the holidays as period of time lasting several days, and not just one make-it-or-break-it day, Meyers says. "See if it's possible to schedule different times to get together," he says. "Viewing it as a holiday week is oftentimes less stressful than viewing it as a single day occurrence." Schneier also suggests pinpointing the exact kinds of guilty thoughts you might be having. If it's guilt over letting down your family, instead think about other ways you can spend time with your loved ones and explaining to them the full circumstances. "I'm making the best choice for me and my family in the long run. Being together on the holiday is nice, but it's not everything," he says. Or, if the guilty feelings stem from <em>wanting</em> to work on the holidays to avoid gatherings, you could remind yourself that there are <em>other</em> ways to enrich family relationships, Schneier says.

  • How to Relieve Holiday Stress

    Learn how to keep your heart healthy and reduce holiday stress this season.
