Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What You Eat Is Closely Tied To Your Health

What You Eat Is Closely Tied To Your Health
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Have you ever heard the saying, “We are what we eat”? The foods we eat determines whether or not our bodies have what they need to grow properly, to renew cells, and to have the energy we need to function. When we eat poorly our bodies are not able to function properly and we are not able to prevent diseases. We become sick and can even die when we deprive our bodies of proper nutrition.

When we eat nutritious foods on a daily basis we do give our bodies what they need to grow properly, to renew cells, and to have the energy needed to function properly. The result of eating good nutrition is that we have healthy bodies. We look good, we feel good and we can perform well because we have the foods in us to do accomplish these things.

When we overeat, taking on more calories than our bodies need, we gain weight. Excess body weight is linked to many diseases such as diabetes. When we eat foods high in saturated fats we can increase our risk for heart disease. There are so many connections between the food or the amount of food and disease that everyone should be more aware of what food is put into our bodies if we truly want to be healthy.

Today many diets are geared towards helping improve our health if we have certain health conditions such as the heart smart diet, and the cancer diet. You can also find a diet if you have diabetes, or diverticulitis, There is a diet for those who are lactose intolerant. There is also a Gluten-Free diet, an ADHD diet, and an IBD diet.

Women can go on the Menopause diet, or the Osteoporosis diet, or the Breast Cancer Diet or even the diet designed specifically for the needs of the pregnant woman. There are diets to help you eat healthy while dining out, and diets to help you lose weight. There are bodybuilding diets, and athlete diets. Everyone of these diets use certain types of foods in order to gain a certain result from the body based on what the foods do for the body. These diets are a perfect example of the fact that what we eat has an impact on our health.

There are healthy eating guidelines set forth with the purpose of helping us to decide what to eat and how much of each food to eat. These guidelines are to help us eat healthy and reduce the risk of developing nutrition-related diseases. Nutrition-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease have been studied along with the effect that certain foods have on them.

Guidelines such as the food pyramid are geared towards individuals without major health concerns and those who are over 14 years of age. Those with major health concerns may need a special diet and should be guided by their doctor when it comes to making food choices. Those who are younger than 14 should be eating foods that are for young children who are still growing.

Your pediatrician can help with meal planning for this age group to be sure they have all the nutrients they need to be healthy while growing. A basic healthy eating guideline for those over age 14 are to eat 30% fruit and vegetables, 30% bread, potatoes, rice and pasta, and 15% milk and dairy foods, along with 15% meat and fish and 10% of the fat and sugary types of foods each day.

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Source: www.natural-holistic-health.com

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