Looking for natural allergy remedies?
If you are suffering from allergies, it is your body’s way of telling you that it is over stressed with toxic burdens and that your immune system is under assault. Typically in adults this is a result of improper eating and lifestyle habits. However, there are other contributing factors. Exposure to environmental pollution can build up in the body and cause allergy responses. In young children and babies, allergies can also be a carry over of toxins from the mother. Emotional stress and fatigue can bring about allergies by suppressing the immune system’s ability to fight foreign invaders.
Because of the increased use of chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, synthetic drugs, food additives, processed foods and other pollutants, allergies are on the rise. It is becoming harder and harder for us to avoid environmental toxins. In spite of this, we still have great control over the choices that we make which effect our health.
Symptoms Associated with Immune Suppression and Allergies:
Natural Allergy Remedies
If any of these symptoms are an issue for you or a loved one, throw away the over the counter medications and try these ten natural allergy remedies for building and supporting the immune and digestive system.
- Use cleansing herbs to help the body eliminate excess toxins.
- Burdock is a great blood cleanser.
- Lobelia helps loosen bronchial congestion and other obstructions in the body.
- Milk thistle is a wonderful liver cleanser.
- Make dietary changes.
- Avoid as many refined, processed foods as possible.
- Do an elimination, rotation diet by taking away one known food allergen at a time and taking notes on any symptom improvements. Eliminate foods that are acknowledged as problematic.
- Avoid food additives.
- Increase dietary fiber in the diet.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Common Food Allergens:
- Dairy
- Chocolate
- Wheat and other gluten grains
- White sugar
- Peanuts
- Seafood
- Add nutritional supplements to aid and build the immune and digestive systems.
- Vitamin A is an antioxidant and helps build the immune system. It also soothes mucous membranes.
- B-Complex aids the digestive system and is helpful with reducing stress.
- Vitamin C is an antioxidant that aids the immune system.
- Minerals are necessary for all the body’s functions.
- Calcium and magnesium work together to help fight infections, stress and many other of the body’s important functions.
- Acidophilus helps build the digestion and eliminate undigested proteins.
- Essential fatty acids are important in many of the body’s functions from the brain, hormones to digestion. Many diets are lacking in essential fatty acids.
- Food enzymes are very important in aiding the digestive system to break down food so that it does not become toxic.
- Use herbs for their natural antibiotic properties.
- Angelica, Echinacea, garlic, and golden seal are all natural antibiotics.
- Wash bedding, rugs, pillows and other common household items that hold dust and allergens.
- Replace furnace filters, keep floors cleaned and furniture dusted.
- Replace toxic household cleaning products and personal care products that are filled with chemicals. Choose organic or more natural alternatives.
- Avoid chemical treated water.
- Add more plants to your home. Plants such as bamboo palm, Boston fern, English ivy, peace lily, rubber and the spider plant are all helpful in removing toxins from indoor air.
- Make sure your bowels are moving at least once a day so that toxins are being eliminated. If you are not going once a day, use a natural bowel sweeper like flax seed, psyllium or apple pectin.
With proper diet, internal cleansing and supporting the body with these natural allergy remedies and supplements, your body will grow stronger and be able to more efficiently detox the invaders that are causing you allergy symptoms.
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Source: www.natural-health-girl.com
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