Thursday, May 10, 2012

Exercise for Children – Top Priority

Exercise for Children – Top Priority

Most kids today are spending little time getting the required amount of exercise they need for a healthy future. They are becoming couch potatoes at younger ages every year, especially with video games, TV, computers, and the many other gadgets they have to choose from.

This is why learning all you can about exercise for children should be a top priority on a parent’s to do list. If your kids turn up their noses at all your suggestions, then ask them to come up with some form of exercise for children they would enjoy or just like to try. Tell them they can choose any form of exercise, so long as they’ll do one hour of something every day

Acquainting children and exercise programs may involve some lessons in the health benefits. Kids are well aware of how many overweight kids they see at school every day and they’re sensitive to the stigma of being considered ‘fat’. Explain the facts of food habits, children and exercise – how it all fits together. Junk food, sweets and no exercise add up to weight gain

Tags: exercise for children


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