Friday, August 3, 2012

Consulting an Attorney's Office: Never the Wrong Decision

Consulting an Attorney's Office: Never the Wrong Decision

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 3, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Cameron Yadidi Brock is the kind of personal injury attorney in Los Angeles you want on your side when catastrophe strikes. He and his team at The Law Offices of Burg & Brock, Inc. are on your side, with a staggering 97% success rate, and with their proven track record for success, and never-give-up attitude, are the people you want in your corner.

In the face of any high profile misfortune, the media will always pick up on some of the stories of legal proceedings. A suspect will be arraigned, and a trial will often be held. There may eventually be related trials for charges like criminal negligence as the legal system seeks justice like it was designed to do. As imperfect as our legal system is, it will proceed this way for the foreseeable future. In some places where the criminal justice system fails or is inadequate, the civil courts will pick up slack, and try to find justice on a more individual basis. In the process we hope that individuals or entities - even monolithic corporate structures – be shown the error of their ways by a personal injury lawyer, even with that word so many Americans dread: lawsuit.

Thus it is only inevitable that citizens who feel victimized or wronged, even in the face of a national tragedy, find their own way of making it right. After a large scale tragic event, injured, and non-injured citizens alike will consult with attorneys and build their cases. While the media may find fault with "blaming" entities outside of an individual or group whose responsibility appears obvious, the truth is much more subtle.

For example: The chaos that ensues in an emergency can sometimes make it obvious that a manager was negligent in the training of his or her employees. Faulty emergency exits or signs can contribute to a chaotic situation. The point is that a party has certain responsibilities full time. The fact that an individual actor triggered the emergency - and certainly may bear full responsibility for their deeds - does not forgive the negligence or impropriety of another entity on the periphery of the situation.

Cameron Yadidi Brock of The Law Offices of Burg & Brock, Inc. wishes for the people of southern California to have faith in the civil courts when the worst happens in their lives. "Institutions like insurance companies and other business entities aren't always your friend, but your lawyer is," he points out. "They'll scramble to protect their money, and try very hard to make you feel powerless, but you're not." A tragedy on a national scale is not the only situation deserving of legal representation. If you've been injured in an auto accident, slipped and fallen outside your home, been attacked by someone else's pet, or any of a litany of possible situations, you should give a personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles at The Law Office of Burg & Brock a call.

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SOURCE Law Offices of Burg & Brock, Inc.

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