Thursday, April 18, 2013

For the First Time Ever, "Anti-Aging" Pill Coming to Neiman Marcus

For the First Time Ever, "Anti-Aging" Pill Coming to Neiman Marcus

NEW YORK, April 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, it seems human growth hormone has been gaining an almost "religious" following. It's been featured on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox News, CNN, The Dr. Oz Show, and in Shape magazine and Vanity Fair. And now, starting on May 1, luxury department store chain Neiman Marcus will be adding to the frenzy by allowing the growth hormone booster SeroVital™-hgh into its stores.

So why all the fuss about human growth hormone (hGH)? Simple. hGH disciples… and to many, hGH therapy is truly a religious experience… believe growth hormone can help reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass, boost mood, heighten sex drive, give them plenty of energy, get rid of wrinkles and tighten saggy skin… making them look and feel decades - not years, but decades - younger.

The problem has been that until recently, the best way to increase our hGH levels was through the use of expensive prescription injections (costs can run as high as $1500 per month). In addition to their high cost, synthetic hGH injections are also extremely controversial, because some experts fear that introducing synthetic hGH into the body may upset the natural production of hGH.

The controversy over synthetic injections seems to be a big part of the reason everyone from celebrities, CEOs and Wall Street execs to housewives, models and politicians seems to be interested in finding a "natural" way to increase hGH levels. So it's no surprise that when an oral compound capable of increasing mean, endogenous, bioactive, serum (blood) growth hormone levels by 682% was presented at the prestigious Obesity Society's most recent Scientific Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, and then again at the Academy of Women's Health's 21st Annual Congress in Washington, D.C., it created a serious stir.

SanMedica International™ received the rights to sell the formula that was the subject of these research findings under the trade name SeroVital, and although it's only been available commercially for a short time, it's already been featured in Shape, on Radar Online, and on New York Live, and makeup artists have been gushing about it in magazines like Star and OK! Part of the reason for all the buzz surrounding the SeroVital formula is that rather than introducing synthetic hGH into the body like the injections do, this oral supplement raises the body's own, natural levels of human growth hormone by promoting pituitary health, the gland that manufactures hGH. SeroVital has not only made it more affordable for people to raise their hGH levels, but has given them a clinically proven way to raise them naturally.

"We're very excited about and grateful for all the amazing press we've been getting about SeroVital," says Chantelle Daines , spokesperson for SanMedica, "but we believe that it's the groundbreaking research behind SeroVital that is really capturing people's attention and convincing them to try it. And the double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial proving SeroVital caused a mean 682% increase in growth hormone levels is definitely opening doors for SeroVital. It's a big part of the reason Neiman Marcus agreed to carry SeroVital in its stores!"

Of course - despite all the research - some skeptics are saying SeroVital sounds too good to be true. So is there a catch? Well, there are three. First, as with HGH injections, SeroVital is not a "magic bullet," but one part of a healthy lifestyle choice including a sensible diet and exercise regimen.

Second, for proper absorption, you have to take SeroVital-hgh on an empty stomach. That means you either have to take it first thing in the morning and then not eat anything for two hours, or take it at night, at least two hours after your last meal... before you go to bed.

And last but not least, while SeroVital is far less expensive than prescription HGH injections, it's still not cheap... SeroVital will cost you about $100 a month.

But is it worth it? To most people, anything that may reduce wrinkles, tighten saggy skin, decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass, strengthen bones, and boost mood, while giving you plenty of energy and improving sex drive, is a no-brainer. However, make no mistake about it, the "established" medical community (and of course, they know everything) would say its benefits are largely anecdotal, with research that's preliminary. But there's no denying that something that has a chance of making you look and feel decades, not years, but DECADES, younger, is... at the very least... irresistible.

SeroVital-hgh is currently available at select Ulta stores and will be available at select Neiman Marcus locations starting on May 1. If you can't wait, try ordering it directly from the manufacturer at or 1-800-591-0501. Use promo code SERO28 at checkout and get free shipping.*

*Free standard shipping in the continental U.S. only.

All trademarks are the property of their individual owners.

SOURCE SeroVital



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