Friday, August 2, 2013

Event management!

I have a headache already and I haven’t really event managed anything! My grand plan at the moment is to arrange for Jessie Pavelka – who is touring the UK at the end of August – to come and give five people, including me, a personal training session along with a motivational boost…and possibly some


I have a headache already and I haven’t really event managed anything! My grand plan at the moment is to arrange for Jessie Pavelka – who is touring the UK at the end of August – to come and give five people, including me, a personal training session along with a motivational boost…and possibly some nutrition advice too.

Initially, I thought of organising a big event for one hundred people…but the more I thought about it, the more stressed I became. Firstly, I am not that keen on people – or rather large groups of people! Secondly, when you get a lot of people together there will always be some that moan, and I don’t listen to moaning well either! And thirdly – and selfishly – I would love to benefit more from the chance to work with a guy who has turned the lives of so many obese people around. Therefore I thought that I would share this opportunity with four others…if I can find them!

HOOP have organised for Jessie to come over – as he is a patron of the charity and is keen to raise the profile and also raise funds for us. And there is the kicker – I need to pledge £1000 for HOOP. Which if I was running a big event would be fairly easy. Yet I honestly do think that people would benefit from his knowledge and support and this is why I think a smaller, more intimate, event would be more helpful for someone like me…and for fellow losers. So I will be looking at £200 per person – eek! Even as I type it, I know that this is a financial stretch…even the charity angle doesn’t soften the blow…does the fact that Jessie is an all-round excellent guy with nice tattoos help?! ;-)

As Jessie – and I – are fans of the outdoors, I was thinking of having an outdoor PT session at my stables, with a BBQ thrown in…he might make us carry the BBQ around the yard first! It certainly isn’t a posh place though – less Newmarket, more a la Dingle from Emmerdale Farm. I just want to get some motivated people together to have a bit of fun and to come away raring to go. Who knows – hopefully it will come off! If you are interested, then drop me an email (as I can’t often see blog comments amongst the spam offers for Viagra!) –

I do wonder how event management people cope though. My sister used to organise events, and I guess that I too have organised events – for recruitment, and development. But goodness me, if people want a job they tend not to complain about facilities etc, yet I can imagine organising something that people have paid for is a different ball game altogether. My people pleasing fears get tested when I think about doing this sort of thing. I just want people to have fun and I think that I would be so stressed out if I thought that someone wasn’t enjoying themselves! Maybe I just need to sweet talk my other half into organising a currently non-existent £1000 treat for me – and me alone! ;-)

A short one today folks – my thoughts have been taken up by Jessie Pavelka and so I haven’t had much time to ponder other issues. Oh – there was a little piece I read today about Anna Soubry – the health minister – who does not agree with the talks to clamp down on ‘guilt lanes’ at supermarkets…the way in which the supermarkets tempts you and your children with sweets and chocolate whilst queuing up to checkout. She said that she just tells her children “no”…I am assuming that her children are not the sort to throw themselves on the floor whilst throwing a monumental tantrum which has all other shoppers tutting and shaking their heads, leaving their parents horrified and fearing that social services might get a tip off?

I do wonder if these people who are responsible for policy actually live in the real world. In fact I don’t wonder at all – I fecking know that they don’t! How much easier would it be just to remove these lanes – it takes away temptation and just makes life a bit better. How about replacing the sweets with fresh fruit…or having educational checkouts with interactive posters regarding health and fitness for both children and adults? I understand that we need to work with food manufacturers…they are never going to go away, so we have to make the best of a bad situation…but both manufacturers and supermarkets seem to have far too much power over our purchasing choices – steering us towards cheap junk.

Online shopping is the way forward – although I have noticed that they now make ‘helpful’ suggestions. Asda, whatever makes you think that I want to eat a fecking stuffed crust pizza when I usually order fresh fruit and veggies and meat and pasta? And given that I have never ordered alcohol online, why would I be interested in the Jacobs Creek offers? Although the SlimFast offer was inspired…have you been reading my blog you sneaky supermarket? No, thought not – you may as well have just offered me a milkshake, a bag of sugar and a multivitamin! ;-)

Right then – the usuals…

I woke up sleepy – again. It was really hot last night and so I needed the fan on, but the noise keeps me awake…no win! After I had completed some project work, I headed off to see the horses and popped to Asda. I then caught up with my sister and the kids…who had been buying stickers that you colour in – so I was plastered in stickers before I left there! This afternoon has been spent mostly thinking about how fab a training session with Jessie would be. And I guess this evening will be spent thinking about how fabulous Jack Bauer is – I am a ’24′ convert now!

Breakfast: Two Alpen light bars (6 syns), an orange, a satsuma, and a kiwi.

20130802-174008.jpgLunch: Two mahoosive Quorn burgers (2 x HEA and 2 x HEB).

20130802-174128.jpgDinner: Pasta quiche with salad.

20130802-200738.jpgSnacks: Two packets of Snack a Jacks (9 syns).

20130802-175549.jpgToday’s food has been okay. I think that I am now well and truly over my burger craving – a tiny bit of tomato and gherkin as a nod to the superfree…I just wanted super burgers and salad would have been an unwelcome addition! ;-) I am also having brekkie issues – I peeled a banana this morning and the smell of it made me feel ill…so I raided my ‘Slimmer of the Week’ bag for some other delights. Dinner was delicious – a lovely pasta quiche with salad veggies. I used a packet of the cheese and broccoli Pasta’n'Sauce and mixed with cottage cheese and eggs after cooking the pasta. I then used some chopped red onion, mushrooms, red pepper and sweetcorn, along with some black pepper, mixed it all up, topped it with tomato and baked in the oven – syn free and delicious…I had forgotten how good they taste.

Exercise: Nothing…I will get my ass moving soon!

Have a wonderful weekend all,

Weight Loss Bitch xxx

You can get the whole story here.

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