Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is Compassion a Dirty Word?

Is Compassion a Dirty Word?
I became vegan for purely ethical reasons. I learned about factory farming, and decided I wanted no part of it. Over the years my conviction has only grown stronger as I have learned about the many ways humans exploit and harm animals on a daily basis. I have developed a worldview that many consider controversial; [...]

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I became vegan for purely ethical reasons. I learned about factory farming, and decided I wanted no part of it. Over the years my conviction has only grown stronger as I have learned about the many ways humans exploit and harm animals on a daily basis. I have developed a worldview that many consider controversial; I believe that ALL animals should have the right to life and freedom, and that non-human animals are no more or less important than human animals.

As the years have passed, I have come to understand the myriad benefits of a vegan lifestyle for the health of the planet, and for the sake of human health as well. I have worked to raise awareness about these benefits, and it warms my heart greatly to see veganism becoming more and more mainstream.

Who would have guessed 10 years ago that the majority of people would be able to define veganism today – much less that veganism would be moving from the fringe of society to being discussed in mainstream media? A very important contributor to this increase in awareness is the fact that more and more people are beginning to realize that a healthy, plant-based diet protects against disease, and is in fact a path to very good health, regardless of where an individual is starting.

But along with this “vegan for health” trend (which I’m hoping is not a trend, but a true sea change), I have noticed another disturbing phenomenon. Some people who are going vegan for health reasons (notably many high-profile ones) are very quick to point out that – it’s only for health reasons!! They seem to be trying to establish a line between themselves and “those crazy animals rights people.” And so my question is:

What is wrong with being a compassionate person? With going vegan because you care about the suffering of animals other than  yourself – and especially non-human ones?

Why is it “okay” to go vegan if it’s going to save your own life, but not to save the lives of others?

Source: feedproxy.google.com

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